The OceanMaker
In this award-winning animated short by Texas-based animator Lucas Martell, get a glimpse of a future we can prevent. After the seas have disappeared, a courageous pilot fights against vicious sky pirates for control of the last remaining source of water: the clouds.
Stream it for free on YouTube
This movie is set 700 years in the future and shows Earth as a deserted, trash-covered planet. It warns us that if we do not pay attention to our consumption and conservation, we will hurt our planet.
Disneynature’s Oceans
While showing the depth and beauty of Earth’s oceans, this documentary also shows the negative impact humans can have on our seas. Available on Netflix.
This animated film follows Rango, a pet chameleon, who helps a desert town of animals find more water. The film underscores the importance of water in our lives. According to Rango, “For as long as we have water, we have a town.” Available on Hulu.
If you, your child or teen care to discuss or interpret the storytelling, consider a short story writing challenge or drawing your own alternative ending with materials you have on hand!