When you consider all of your utilities, water is the single most important utility because it is an essential part of everyday life. As your water provider, our main responsibility and mission is to consistently provide you and your family with reliable and safe water. Another responsibility is to inform you about water and wastewater rates.
We make available for our customers a tariff book, inclusive of rates for background information, as required by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC). Tariffs list out the rates and fees we charge as approved by the PUC. Tariff revisions are filed with the PUC and comply with Texas PUC Chapter 24 Rules (PDF). The most recent rates are posted as soon as official documents are available to us from the PUC. Find the tariff for your neighborhood by scrolling below. If you have questions, please contact Customer Care.
For more details about upcoming rate changes, read more here.
Want to learn more about what rates go toward and how they are set? Watch this!
How to locate which tariff you fall under:
Take a look at your bill. In the top, left corner, you should see a Texas Water Utilities logo with an identifier in the second line. Whichever name appears in the second line is the name of the tariff you fall under.
Texas Water Utilities
- Water Tariff (PDF)
- Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
- Customers in the City of Buda (PDF)
- Customers in the City of Ivanhoe (PDF)
- Customers in the City of Kyle (PDF)
Texas Water Utilities – Hornsby Bend
- Water Tariff (PDF)
- Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
Texas Water Utilities – Mid-Tex
- Water Tariff (PDF)
- Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
Texas Water Utilities – Midway
For Champs customers outside City of Houston and customers in Rock Creek, The Cliffs, The Retreat, and White Bluff:
- Midway Water Tariff (PDF)
- Midway Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
For Champs customers inside City of Houston:
Texas Water Utilities – Windermere
For customers inside City of Pflugerville:
- Water Tariff (PDF)
- Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
For customers outside City of Pflugerville :
- Water Tariff (PDF)
- Wastewater Tariff (PDF)
- 2024-06-24 TWU Customer Notice 2024 Rate Case (pdf)
- 2023-04-17-Ice-Pigging-FAQ (pdf)
- 2021-Docket-52201-Maps (pdf)
- 2020-Monarch-Rate-Notice-Docket-50944 (pdf)
- 2020-Docket-50424-Maps-Of-Requested-Areas (pdf)
- 2020-09-Midway-Water-Utilities-Inc.-CCN-Maps-Docket-50895 (pdf)
- 2020-05 Water Services, Inc. and Monarch Utilities I L.P. Area Maps (Docket 50319) (pdf)
- 2018-12-07-Diamond-Improvements (pdf)
- 2017-07-25-Monarch-Settlement-Letter (pdf)